Reopening Update 17/02/2022
Thursday 17th February 2022
COVID update
Dear families and friends
We are delighted to inform you Fairlight reopens to all visitors from today.
Polite reminders: -
· Visiting hours are 10am to 4pm Monday to Saturday, except for essential caregivers.
· LFD Tests must be taken on the day of your visit and registered online via NHS Our unique reference number is 10106771 failure to do this may result in your visit being cancelled, if you are unable to log your result please date and time your cartridge and bring it to reception or take a picture of it to show at reception.
· PPE will be provided for you and must be worn at all times
· All visits must be booked in advance via the Activities team on 07932 629580
Plants and flowers have to stand for 48 hours at Fairlight before they can be taken to residents rooms.
Thank you for your support and patience and we look forward to welcoming you back to Fairlight.
Best Wishes
Caroline Harwood
Activities coordinator and family liaison